Patient Resources

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Localised prostate cancer

A guide for men and their families.

Sex after treatment - prostate cancer

Explains sexual function and how it can be affected by prostate cancer treatment.

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Coping with a diagnosis of prostate cancer

Discusses issues you may face after a diagnosis and strategies for dealing with them.

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Treat ED: prostate edition

Specific information on the impact of the main prostate cancer treatments on erections and how best to mitigate this side effect.

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An introduction to prostate cancer

Designed to help men, their families, and friends quickly understand the risk factors for prostate cancer.

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Continence and prostate

A guide for men undergoing prostate surgery

Maintaining your well being

Information on depression and anxiety for men with prostate cancer and their partners.

Be a man brochure

Prostate cancer facts for men and their families.

Report to the nation on prostate cancer

a guide to men and their families.

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Nutrition, exercise and prostate cancer

Incorporate key elements of nutrition and exercise into their lifestyle.

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Understanding Bladder Cancer

A guide for people with cancer, their families and friends

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Understanding Kidney Cancer

A guide for people with cancer, their families and friends